So if I were to write a chronicle of my tri experiences you would see a general theme. During practically EVERY race I have had muscle cramps. This has been the bane of my racing experience. As a result, I have become an expert on the subject of muscle cramps and their potential causes.
So far, I have not been able to find the magic combination that eliminates my cramping. If you don't think I have tried it all... so far I have explored the following causes and many more:
3.) Nutrition - I have looked at my diet and found that I don't get enough essential minerals so I take a suppliment to make up the difference. Basically I take Calcium, Magnesium, and Zinc to keep my muscles firing properly. In the very beginning this made a great improvement in my cramping but that didn't last long.
5.) Caffeine - First it can cause dehydration, second it can cause muscle spasms which in my mind are related to cramping. Either way I eliminated caffeine and it didn't make a bit of difference.
6.) pH balance - This is one that is hard for me to figure out because it is pretty dynamic. There are many things that can throw your pH balance out of whack. When it happens they think it can cause cramping.
7.) I could go on and on forever because there are over 250 suspected causes for muscle cramps. I'm hoping some day they will want to turn me into a science experiment at some medical school and they can do all the tests necessary to figure out my cause. Until they call, I'll keep training hard and trying to stay hydrated, eat healthy, and lose some more weight. Maybe some day they will call...